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Lincoln Park - Lincoln Park Volunteer Work …11/18/2018

Join the Friends of Lincoln Park as we work to bring the beautiful mature forests of our park into restoration. Lincoln Park, on the shores of Puget Sound includes 80 acres of forest, with a tremendous diversity of Puget Lowland native plants. Unfortunately, our forest is threatened by nonnative, invasive plants. We promise you a good workout and a sense of satisfaction, good for the environment and good for your health.
All ages OK
12 out of 10 participants registered.
What to Bring
Dress in NW layers to stay warm/cool and dry. We suggest long sleeves and pants year around to protect from scratches. Wear closed toe, sturdy shoes or boots. Bring garden gloves and clippers (or your favorite tool) and we値l have extra tools and gloves.
Where to Meet
Lincoln Park is located just north of the Vashon Ferry dock in West Seattle. We meet near the kiosk in the north parking lot on Fauntleroy Way SW (and SW Rose St).
Where to Park
North parking lot. The Rapid Ride C bus from downtown or Westwood Village runs about every 15 minutes and stops at SW Rose St by the parking lot.
Date & Time
November 18, 2018 9am - 12pm
Sharon Baker
Sharon Baker sabaker41@gmail.comt