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Westcrest Park - Friends and Family of …07/22/2018

Help make room to plant 100+ trees this fall by weeding out Himalayan Blackberry and English Ivy at Westcrest Park. You'll have fun digging up roots, yanking up vines, and when it's all done, seeing the progress just a few fine folks can make in a few, short hours. As an extra bonus, you'll get to see the cute dogs that visit the off-leash area adjacent to where we'll be working.
Adults only
2 out of 10 participants registered.
What to Bring
We will have a light snack, a jug to fill up your water bottle, gloves, and plenty of tools.
Dress to protect yourself from the sun, and from Himalayan Blackberry prickles. Closed-toed shoes, long pants, and a light-weight, long-sleeved shirt are recommended.
If you have leather-lined gardening or work gloves, bring 'em!
Where to Meet
We will meet at the NE entrance of Westcrest Park, at the intersection of 5th Ave SW and SW Cloverdale Street in Southwest Seattle. This is also known as the "Westcrest dogpark back gate" on Google. (Please note: the site map on this page gives a less precise location of where to meet.)
Where to Park
We are meeting at the parking area for the dog park, and additional parking is found on Cloverdale.
Date & Time
July 22, 2018 9am - 12pm
Lisa Zander