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Burke-Gilman Trail - Northwest School: Habitat Restoration- …01/18/2019

Habitat Restoration and Enhancement; an effort to bring this area back to a more natural environment for all to enjoy and feel safe. Learn more about who we are, how you can help, and understand further the focus of 'GSP'. We typically clear areas of invasive plants, prune existing native plants for better growth, plant a few native plants, and spread mulch to support healthy soil and plant growth. On this day we will be planting native vegetation and spreading wood chips along the trail. Thank you for your time and interest.
All ages OK
62 out of 90 participants registered.
What to Bring
Safe footwear (boots if possible), favorite gloves if you have some, and dress for the weather and the work. Gloves and tools available on site.
Where to Meet
Two locations for drop off. One is the crossing of the Burke-Gilman Trail and Fairway Estates Drive. (8001 Fairway Estates Dr. NE) The other is at the crossing of the BG Trail and Inverness Dr.(9004 Inverness Dr. NE) Bus #75 stops along Sand Point Way near these locations.
Where to Park
Available in lower Fairway Estates parking on the left just beyond the BG Trail, and along Inverness Dr about one block west, up from Sand Point Way.
Date & Time
January 18, 2019 1pm - 3pm
Dean Drugge