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St. Marks Greenbelt - Refresh and Restore04/20/2019

This is a beautiful place to spend your Saturday morning restoring your nearby
urban forest. Help us with monthly tasks and provide your mind and body with
refreshing nature. In addition to working with us, you can take a walk and tour
the acres of towering Big Leaf Maples and Sword ferns. If you are lucky you'll
see a Coopers Hawk or two!
All ages OK
9 out of 5 participants registered.
What to Bring
Layers of dirt-friendly clothes + rain coat, closed toed waterproof shoes, water
and a snack. We provide tools, gloves, plants and instruction.
Where to Meet
St. Mark's Cathedral: 1245 10th Ave. E.
Where to Park
At the St. Mark's
Greenbelt trail sign on the south edge of the St. Mark's Cathedral parking lot. Bue line is 49
The Cathedral address is: 1245 10th Ave. E.
Date & Time
April 20, 2019 10am - 2pm
Robert Hayden
Elizabeth Housley st.marksgreenbelt@gmail.com