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Kiwanis Memorial Preserve Park - Heron Habitat Helpers 2019 …03/16/2019

Come help us get native plants in the ground as we continue restoring habitat in Kiwanis Ravine wildlife refuge! We've gotten lots of native shrubs and trees established, and now we're adding understory plants as ecological succession of the plant community proceeds. We'll likely do some weeding-out of invasive species to start, then plant bunchberry, wild ginger, Oregon grape and ferns.
Kiwanis ravine is home to numerous bird species, amphibians, mountain beavers, and other wildlife, and it's an important green buffer for the great blue heron nesting colony at the Ballard Locks. We'll go view the colony before we begin; it's near our meeting point.
All ages OK
34 out of 25 participants registered.
What to Bring
We'll provide tools and gloves. You should wear clothes you don't mind getting muddy and snagged, and that have long sleeves and pants to avoid nettle stings. we'll work rain or shine, so bring raingear if it's predicted.
Where to Meet
3330 W Commodore Way, the Commodore Park parking lot, at the west end. It's just west of the Ballard Locks on the south side of the ship canal.
Where to Park
Commodore Park parking lot.
Date & Time
March 16, 2019 10am - 2pm
Scott Luchessa