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West Duwamish Greenbelt: Alaska - Learn about the Duwamish …11/09/2019

Join us at the Duwamish Longhouse and Cultural Center to hear from Duwamish Chairwoman Cecile Hansen and Tribal members Ken Workman and James Rasmussen as they speak about the Tribe's history and its connection to the Salish Sea region. We’ll also hear from Seattle Parks and Recreation Naturalist, Jacob de Guzman, on the practice & importance of land acknowledgment as a non-indigenous environmental professional. The workshop will end with Jacob de Guzman taking us on a native plant walk and talk outside of the Duwamish Longhouse and Cultural Center.
All ages OK
104 out of 100 participants registered.
What to Bring
A notebook, pen, and comfortable shoes for walking on a trail.
Where to Meet
Duwamish Longhouse and Cultural Center:
4705 W Marginal Way SW, Seattle, WA 98106
Where to Park
There is parking at the Longhouse and additional parking on the other side of W Marginal Way SW.
Several buses service West Seattle from downtown - routes 21, 120, 125, 131, but do not service W Marginal Way SW. The closest bus stop is located Delridge Way SW & SW Andover St. After arriving at this bus stop, please expect at least a 1 mile walk, to use a bikeshare, or bring your own bike after riding the bus.
It is also a 30 minutes or less bike ride from downtown, Pioneer Square or Beacon Hill. Here are two routes westseattlebikeconnections.org list on their West Seattle Bike Connectons website resources page: Central Waterfront (downtown) to Duwamish Longhouse and Delridge CC to Georgetown and South Park via Duwamish Trail. View this link that shows the detailed map: click here
Date & Time
November 9, 2019 10:30am - 1pm
Cascadia Consulting