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Carkeek Park - Carkeek STARS Jan. 16 …01/16/2021

Join other enthusiastic volunteers for a fun morning of forest restoration and trails maintenance. We have a wide variety of tasks you can help with. Follow the STARS signs to our meeting place, which will be the parking lot at the Environmental Learning Center.
Adults only
5 out of 5 participants registered.
What to Bring
Wear a mask, bring gloves, if you want water or snacks bring those, because we will not be providing those. We will provide the tools needed for the work.
Where to Meet
950 NW Carkeek Road, Seattle WA 98177. From I-5 take the Northgate Way Exit. Head west, Northgate way becomes N 105th St. Cross Greenwood Ave N and veer left onto Holman Road. Turn right at the next stop light onto 3rd Ave NW and follow it to NW 110th St. Turn left onto NW 110th St. which becomes Carkeek Park Road. When you arrive at the main entrance to the park, at the bottom of Carkeek Park Road, as soon as you pass the gate turn into the parking lot at the Environmental Learning Center. Signs will direct you to the place where we will describe the work and get tools.
Where to Park
Parking lot at the Environmental Learning Center, 950 NW Carkeek Park Road.
Date & Time
January 16, 2021 9:30am - 12pm
Dale Johnson
Dale Johnson
Landline 206-362-2980
Cell 4259492883