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Kingfisher Natural Area on TC - MLK Day Work Party01/18/2021

Come out to the park to remove ivy, prep for future planting and do a little planting! Should be a nice day weather wise
All ages OK
5 out of 5 participants registered.
What to Bring
Be prepared for wet and muddy; ; if you have gloves or favorite tools bring them (we will also provide if not). Due to COVID please bring your own snacks and water bottle. Come for all or part of the party.
Where to Meet
Meet at the Knickerbocker entrance to the park --- use this address as a reference:
1914 NE 100th St, Seattle, WA 98125
We will gather at the footbridge at 10 am -- if you would like to come later call/text Lynnette or Jim (see below)
Where to Park
Please park east of address given as parking is limited in the area we will meet.
Date & Time
January 18, 2021 10am - 2pm
Lynette Spear
Lynnette 206-235-9781
Jim 206-954-5445