Kingfisher Natural Area on TC - Tu B’Shivat 2023 with …02/05/2023


Come join community members for an exhilarating day in the woods. We will be hiking throughout the park on social trails, focusing on planting, including hauling mulch and water to individual plants. Some site preparation may be in store as well as potential invasive species removal

All ages OK

20 out of 30 participants registered.

What to Bring

Hiking boots are very highly encouraged, rain gear, and layered clothing appropriate for the weather. Eye protection, working gloves and hand tools if you have them. Snacks, and water or warm beverage.

Where to Meet

Plan to meet at the guardrail at the end of 17th Ave NE near
10022 17th Ave NE

Where to Park

17th ave NE can only be accessed via 98th Street. There is limited street parking in front of houses. Consider carpooling

Date & Time

February 5, 2023 9am - 12:30pm


Rick Swing

Rick Swing

Extra Info

View Site Map

Event Safety Measures

For more information on what to expect during your Green Seattle Partnership event, please visit: