Seward Park - Monthly 1st-Saturday work party …04/07/2024


Many hands make light work. We will be mulching bare ground, and weeding out invasive species. These two activities are the best thing we can do for the long term health of the old-growth forest. Holly trees and Herb Robert are our first target.

Any time that remains after weeding we will spend on moving mulch, recording survival of previous plantings, and constructing low & natural ad hoc fencing to deter enthusiastic visitors from trampling the recent plantings.

All ages OK

8 out of 10 participants registered.

What to Bring

Perhaps a snack.

Where to Meet

Head of the sqebeqsed trail, on the upper loop road. See map.

Where to Park

You can parallel park all along the upper loop road. See map.

Date & Time

April 7, 2024 10am - 12:30pm


Paul Shannon

My number: 206-658-3789

Extra Info

View Site Map

Event Safety Measures

For more information on what to expect during your Green Seattle Partnership event, please visit: