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Kiwanis Memorial Preserve Park - Heron Habitat Helpers Restoration03/08/2025

We'll be weeding and mulching around new plantings. Come join the fun and help keep a forest growing. No experience necessary. Everyone welcome! If time allows we can visit the heron colony at Commodore Park.
And if you want to learn more about habitat restoration and learning from a certified ecologist who has decades of experience working on habitat restoration projects in the Pacific Northwest - come and volunteer for a HHH work party and help continue forest habitat restoration on a positive trajectory towards mature, self-sustaining mixed coniferous and deciduous forests. Nurturing healthy forests is a great way to do something positive about reducing climate change impacts! Trees and other woody take carbon dioxide from the air as part of photosynthesis and store some of that carbon in woody tissues. Consider becoming a habitat restoration leader. We'll teach you everything you need to know. Come out and meet like minded people and help restore healthy urban forests. Skills you will learn: native plant identification and habitat requirements; invasive plant species identification and control; planting techniques, planting densities, and planting plans ; mulching techniques and practices; You will love it!
All ages OK
13 out of 20 participants registered.
What to Bring
Wear weather appropriate layers including long pants and long sleeves. Clothes that can get dirty or snagged. We work if raining :-)
Recommend bringing a full water bottle. We'll provide a light snack.
Where to Meet
Meet at the Stevens site - at the end of Brygger Drive in Magnolia. (near the Shell station and walk down) Map your way to 4441 Brygger Drive.
Where to Park
The Stevens site is a short walk from the corner of Brygger and Government Way - Not a lot of parking as it is a dead end - we recommend parking on Gov't Way and walking down.
Date & Time
March 8, 2025 9am - 1pm
Marla Master
Questions or info:
Marla 206-948-6862
or membership@heronhelpers.org