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Calendar of Events

March 28, 2025


Magnuson Ecological Restoration

March 28, 10am-1pm @ Warren G. Magnuson Park

Work to maintain one of the most well forested zones of Magnuson Park. The work will be mostly removing sparse Himalayan blackberry,ivy, and other invasive plants and some trailside trimming. There will also be a chance to learn a bit about native plants while working. Advance approval of leader is required for youth groups or children below high school age more


Pulling ivy at Duwamish Head with A Cleaner Alki

March 28, 9:30am-11:30am @ Duwamish Head Greenbelt

Help the community group, A Cleaner Alki, remove ivy and blackberry to make room for native plants that will support birds, insects and other wildlife 🦅 more


Invasive blackberry removal

March 29, 9:30am-12:30pm @ Discovery Park

Help us make way for more native plant habitat by removing the many invasive blackberry plants encroaching on the south meadow. This will take a combination of pruning and digging the blackberry out of the forest edge of the meadow. We will mulch disturbed areas with wood chips to keep weed seeds and resprouts at bay. All tools will be provided. more


Join EarthCorps at Colman Park!

March 29, 10am-1pm @ Colman Park



Kingfisher on Thornton Creek Restoration Event

March 29, 10am-1pm @ Kingfisher Natural Area on TC

Join Dirt Corps this March in learning about and caring for the riparian forest of Kingfisher Natural Area. We'll be exploring the history, restoration, hydrology, and ecology of this section of Thornton Creek. After this we'll be caring for the space by removing groundcover English ivy and other weeds, planting native potted plants, harvesting salmonberry to do live stake planting, and performing general upkeep to keep it a nice space for people to use. We hope to see you there! more


Pigeon Point Park Restoration Event

March 29, 10am-12:30pm @ Pigeon Point



Preparing for Fall Planting

March 29, 10am-12pm @ Woodland Park

This is the second Green Seattle volunteer event for the Woodland Park North Mixed Forest this year. Help clear area for future fall planting as we aim to restore this portion of the park to a healthy Douglas Fir forest. Possible volunteer activities include: - Building compost piles - Removing blackberries, english ivy, bambo, holly, and other weeds - Measuring area for future plant orders - Spreading mulch and dead wood - Collecting trash - Restoration area maintenance in southern woodland park more


Spring Work Party on Lake Washington

March 29, 9am-12pm @ Madrona Park

Spring is nearing at Madrona park! We'll be working to remove blackberry and holly on the Lake Washington side of the park. If it is a clear day we may see Mt Rainier, and if we are really lucky maybe a bald eagle, beaver, or otter! more


Joe Eagle Scout project

March 30, 10am-3pm @ Ravenna Park

Another eagle scout project! We'll be removing invasives, expanding the cleared areas, putting down mulch, spreading out the mulch piles, and maintaining the area more


Magnuson Reforestation

March 30, 10am-1pm @ Warren G. Magnuson Park

Help improve habitat and create replacement forest on a formerly denuded navy airfield. (Above photo taken in Navy era). The aim is to create healthy forest habitat and increase beneficial ecosystem services including provision of human enjoyment and health. It is also an opportunity to enjoy nature and learn a bit about native plants while doing satisfying work. Work is most likely to include removing invasive plants like ivy and blackberry but may also include other tasks such as distributing wood chip mulch or planting if plants are available. Because the work may be beyond capability of youth below high school age, please get the leader’s permission before registering if younger. more


Phase 1 start clean up forest at Magnolia park / forest S.E.

March 30, 8am-12pm @ Magnolia Park

There is work to be done to reclaim Magnolia Park S.E. Forest in Magnolia Park. Invasive plants have taken over, and volunteers are needed to help defend this beautiful natural area. Join neighbors and friends to help out and learn about how we plan on bringing this forest back to a natural environment. All ages OK more


Weed busting at Princeton Bridge

March 31, 9am-12:30pm @ Burke-Gilman Trail

We'll be weeding out the upper part of the Trail along Sand Point Way at Princeton Bridge more


Weeding and mulching at the South Parking Lot

March 31, 10am-1pm @ Discovery Park

We're weeding and mulching, Fun, fun, fun! more
